A ChartField is a data field that stores accounting information, affects budget and is used for internal and external reporting. All accounting systems consist of codes used to identify transactions and to track financial activity. ChartFields are the codes in Cardinal Financials used to identify these financial functions. ChartFields identify received and expended funds and insure compliance with the contributor of those funds. This is done with a series of ChartFields called a ChartField combination. When combined correctly, ChartFields identify the impact of a financial transaction.

The Catholic University Account Code Structure

Sample chartfield (except grants/facility projects)                            











Sample grant/facility project chartfield













All 5 Fields (6 for Grants/Construction) are needed for all transactions.    

Chartfield Definitions

  • Account

    Refers to assets, liabilities, income, expenses, and equity (fund balance), which classifies the nature of a transaction. This field is required. (4 digits for expenses and revenues; Assets, Liabilities and Fund Balance 4 alpha/numeric characters)

    Expenses (0100 to 8840) for payments

    Revenues (9000 to 9930) for deposits

    Sample Accounts:

    • 0100 - 0599 - Salary
      • 0100 - 0199 - Full-time
      • 0200 - 0299 - Part-time (including students)
      • 0300 - 0399 - Union, public safety
      • 0500 - 0599 - Over-time
    • 0600 - 0999 - Benefits
    • 1000 - 1499 - Scholarships
    • 1500 - 8919 - Other Expenses
      • 1500 - 1599 - Postage and telephone
      • 1600 - 1699 - Professional services
      • 1900 - 1999 - Travel
      • 2000 - 2910 - General supplies
      • 5000 - 5599 - Repairs and services
      • 6200 & 6300 - Training and development
      • 8800 to 8860 - Capital purchases
    • 8900/8903/8910 - Fund transfers
    • 9000 - 9999 - Revenues
      • 9001 - 9004 - Tuition
      • 9031 - 9099 - Student fees
      • 9201 - Gifts (Process through Univ. Development only)
      • 9601 - 9625 - Room and board

    A DEPTID (Cost Center/Organization {ORG}) tracks revenues and expenses according to a divisional breakdown of your organization and used to indicate who is responsible for or affected by a transaction. This field is required. (6 digits)


    • For a specific department: 800000 - Office of VP of University Development
    • For a donor fund: 354011 - Nagel Foundation Scholarship
    • For a specific project or grant

    Numbering method

    • First three digits designate the department that controls the cost center
    • Fourth digit
      • “5” for endowments
      • “2” for grants and contracts
      • “9” for construction projects
    • Fifth and sixth digits are sequential
  • Fund

    The primary structural units of Education and Government accounting. This field is required. (2 digits)

    Fund number is based on:

    • Type of activity
    • Duration of the funding
      • Annual operating funds - renewed annually
      • Reserve funds - balance carried forward into next year; not renewed once spent
    • Donor restriction in the case of a gift
    • Except endowments and some special exceptions, DEPTIDs should only have one fund number.
    • Make sure deposits and payments have the right fund/DEPTID combination to avoid budget exceptions and other issues
  • Program

    ChartField that is used as a tracking tool or linking mechanism to unite collaborative activities (revenue and expenditures) within units or across your organizations. This field is required. (Up to 5 characters)
    • Further detail for departmental use (e.g. “LOCKBX” - lockbox)
    • “GEN” is the generic code most use.
  • Class

    ChartField that identifies the functional purpose of the expense. This field is required. (Up to 5 characters).
    • For non-grant orgs, always use the same subclass (e.g. “INDR” for academic areas) - code indicates the function of your department
    • For grant orgs, pull from 1grant report (indicates the type of sponsor for that grant)


  • Project

    The Project ID identifies activity directed towards the accomplishment of a set of objectives that has a defined beginning and end. This identifier is used to Track research projects and/or capital projects. The Sponsored Accounting Office assigns Research Project IDs, at which time Principal Investigators are notified. Capital Project Ids are assigned by General Accounting. This field is required for Fund 26, 27, 39 and 53 transactions. (Maximum 15 characters - Alpha & Numeric)
  • Source

    Source types identify the purpose or origin of a transaction.


    GA - General Accounting
    COP - Copier Allocations
    CTR - Catering
    HR - Human Resources Interface
    PRC - Procurement Card Purchases
    PST - Postage Allocations
    ROM - Rome Expenses
    TRS - Treasury
    GRT - Grants
    SF - Student Financial Interfaces/Cash Interface
    TEL - Telephone Expense Allocations
    IA - Institutional Advancement Interface
    AP - Accounts Payable