The Fund Transfer Request enables departments to request a transfer of available funds/monies into another org/department that needs additional funds.

Please use the Fund Transfer Request Form for all money/funds transfers from one Department to another Department.

Fund Restrictions

Fund transfers to/from the following funds are not allowed due to the source of funding involved:
  • Donor restricted funds (fund numbers 43 and above)
  • Sponsored grant or contract (funds 26 and 27)
All other fund transfers (Transfers from a fund 11,12,15,18 and 19 require Budget Office approval) may be submitted to General Accounting with appropriate Departmental approvals using the Funds Transfer Request Form (Excel).

Budget Considerations

If the funds in the source Department are not sufficient to cover the funds transfer, or if no budget exists for the Department, then the Department may require re-budgeting. Please contact your Budget Office representative prior to requesting any fund transfers in such instances.

Specific Form Field Instructions

Fiscal Year:  The University’s fiscal year runs from May 1 to April 30. Deadlines for year-end transfer requests are published to the campus in advance of April 30. Requests received after those deadlines will be processed in the next fiscal year.

Purpose/Reason for Transfer:  An explanation is required for all fund transfers for audit purposes.

Accounts - Please use either:
  • Account 8900 - Interfund Transfers (Funds transferred between different funds; ex: funds transfer from a fund 18 to a fund 19)
  • Account 8910 - Intrafund Transfers (Funds transferred within the same fund; but between different Departments).

Source Department:  Department from which you are transferring the funds. 

Destination Department:  Department receiving the funds.

Fund:  Please see Fund Restrictions section above.

Project:  Necessary for any transfers involving project funds (Fund 39 only) 

Approvals Required and Completion:  The financial manager of the Source Department must approve the request.  Any funds transferred from a Budgeted Fund (Fund 11, 12, 15, 18 and 19) require approval by the Budget Office. Since the transfer from a budgeted fund requires the approval from the Budget Office, the request should be submitted to the Budget Office directly. The Budget Office will forward the approved requests to General Accounting for processing.  Approvals may be physical signatures or electronic. 

Signed forms may be scanned and emailed to