How to Apply for a PCard:

  1.  Prospective Cardholders need to have 
    Cardinal Financials System access in order to access the Suntrust ESP System which is used to reconcile transactions.
  2. The applicant must then complete the PCard Application Form and have their Department Head or Manager's approval signature to apply.  
  3. Once the application form is signed and completed, the applicant must email the PCard Application Form to Teresa Chandler and
  4. The applicant, if approved, will receive an email from Teresa Chandler with final details on the card issuance process. 


  1. Once a card has been issued, each cardholder must attend a training session and complete the Cardholder's Agreement. Training is provided by the Procurement Services Office.  Please contact Teresa Chandler (PCard Administrator) to schedule training at 202-319-5045 or
  2. Once training is completed, the cardholder can begin enjoying the advantages of the PCard.