In order to obtain a University Procurement Card, a prospective cardholder must complete the PCard Application Form and have their Department Head or Manager's approval to apply.  All cardholders must also have access to the Cardinal Financials System in order to access the Suntrust ESP System which is used to reconcile transactions.  A reference guide for using this system can be found here

Once a card has been issued, each cardholder must attend a training session and complete the Cardholder's Agreement. Training is provided by the Procurement Services Office.  Please contact Teresa Chandler (PCard Administrator) to schedule training at 202-319-5045 or

Once training is completed, the cardholder can begin enjoying the advantages of the PCard.


For Department Heads/Managers (Transaction Approvers)

Department Heads/Managers are expected to review and approve all cardholders' transactions to ensure they are both in accordance with CUA Procurement Card policy and are attached to a valid budget or funding source.  A reference guide for approving or declining transactions can be found here.


For Travelers

The SunTrust Corporate Visa Travel Card is designed for individuals who frequently travel for business on behalf of Catholic University. Departments may obtain a Corporate Travel Card for those individuals by completing the Corporate Travel Card Application and following the same steps as above.

If you have any questions regarding with card to apply for, please contact Teresa Chandler (PCard Administrator) at 202-319-5045 or


For Everyone

The PCard is designed to complement the existing procurement process. Use of the card does not replace current travel or competitive bid regulations, nor does it allow departments to bypass procurement policies, procedures and established authorities.